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Monday 2 March 2009

Talking Dirty To Your Boyfriend

Talking Dirty To Your Boyfriend

Talking Dirty To your Boyfriend Isnt Difficult..

A big no no is don’t give a live commentary of what’s happening between both of you, just add to the heat of the moment by asking for what you want and expressing how you feel. Don’t let the talk overtake the love. If you want a bl***ob, ask for it. If you want it harder, softer, faster, slower, say it.

But you do have the option to actually ask him outright if he fancies you talking dirty and vice versa. Now I don’t mean you should include it as just any other old subject like who’s parents you are visiting this weekend and what shopping needs picking up from the store later - take a break, take a walk or have a 5 minute cuddle on the sofa and gently broach the subject, something along the lines of “Baby, I was just thinking the other day, remembering some of the great sessions we’ve had together in bed and out of it.

How To Talk Dirty To Your Boyfriend

Talking Dirty To Your Boyfriend